Bea transforms into a stereotypically handsome young human man with long auburn hair and a deep tan. The boys all blush. She takes Lysander's money pouch and turns to leave. Dialogue available in transcript.

* A rich and deep man’s voice.
** Goodbye, my lovelies.


Page 43 panel 1
(half panel. Bradley and Lysander have their backs turned. Sancho is making sure they don’t turn around)

Bea: (off camera) *All right, I’m done. You can turn back around now.

Panel 2
(An absurdly handsome Roman man is standing there looking like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast fucked Elliot from Stardew Valley)

Panel 3
(Our boys are all blushing)

Panel 4
Sancho: *ahem*… ‘S a bit fookin’ much.

[It’s a bit fucking much.]

Panel 5
Bea: Really? I think it looks pretty good.

Panel 6
Bea: (picking up Lysander’s money pouch) Besides, beautiful men get better prices. I’ll pay you back later, all I have is Amothian money right now.

Panel 7
Lysander: Your, erm… *ahem*… your accent’s very good.

Panel 8
Bea: (turning to leave and waving) Of course it is, I’ve been spying on you people for two hundred years and needed to fit in.

Ciao, mi amate.**

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