Bea is having way too much fun with this.
Page 48 panel 1
(⅔ panel across top. Bea in human form looking out over the rinky-dink mining town top side)
Panel 2
Bea: Well this place sucks.
Panel 3
(Walking thru market square. Picks up a piece of produce and sniffs it.)
Panel 4
(She spies two slaves, an Elf and a Halfling)
Bea: (off camera) Perfect.
Panel 5
Bea: ( off camera) Excuse me my good sirs!
(The Elf and Halfling turn around)
Panel 6
(Bea standing there, arm out in greeting, low sun gleaming off her Auburn hair like some kind of terrible book cover)
Panel 7
(The two slaves blush)
Panel 8
Bea: I do hope you are both for sale, I simply must have you.