Every party member has their specialty.
Page 19 panel 1
Several Goblins: He is! Him! Him!
Panel 2
(Sancho, knife in hand, drags the protesting goblin up by his ear)
Panel 3
Sancho: (knife to turnkey’s unmentionables) Dae y’have the key tae this fookin’ gate?!
{Do you have the key to this fucking gate?!}
Panel 4
(Sancho increases pressure)
Turnkey: y-y-Ye-es! Yes!
Panel 5
(turns him around, knife in a very uncomfortable place indeed)
Sancho: Alrigh’, open the fookin’ door, mate.
Panel 6
(turnkey fumbles with keys)
Sancho: (increasing pressure) AH SAID OPEN TH’ FOOKING DOOR!
Panel 7
(through tears of terror, turnkey opens the door)
Panel 8
Sancho: (hands turnkey the other keys) Dae any o’ these open the other two doors?
Turnkey: Y-ye-yes!
Panel 9
(pushes turnkey along in front)
Sancho: Then on we gae, lad.