They didn’t need a rescue. They just needed to be allowed to cook.
Page 46 panel 1
(Niki and Uba crowd around Alexey and his phone)
Uba: Let me see!
Niki: Are they alright?!
Panel 2
Alexey: Hold on, kid, lemme put you on holo before they rip me a new one.
Panel 3
(Alexey’s phone on table, hologram of Bradley sitting on floor of his room above it)
Bradley: H– hey.
Panel 4
Niki: (pushing past everyone else) Where are you! Are you all right! What happened to you!
Panel 5
Bradley: We’re fine, we’re all fine here. Now.
Panel 6
(Uba pushed her way in this time)
Uba: Where is Lysander?!
Panel 7
Bradley: He’s alright, he’s doing an inspection.
Uba: An inspection?
Page 8
Alexey: We thought y’all were in prison.
Bradley: We were. But we escaped. It was intense, you should’ve–
Panel 9
Sancho: (off camera) Fer Doni’s sake will ye nae SHUT the FUCK UP?