This plan is going to go very well, no gaping plot holes at all, we’re full of confidence.
Page 30 panel 1
(Bradley with white tunic, brown toga, and Lysander’s gear, trailing behind him, trying to keep up. Lysander wearing full armour minus helm, with toga clasped at shoulders with his crest, slinged arm obscured by toga)
Panel 2
Bradley: Tell me the plan again?
Panel 3
Lysander: You’re my squire. I’m here to carry out an inspection of the mining operation after rumors of corruption and safety neglect reached the Duke.
Panel 4
Bradley: Would a prince normally be sent on this kind of mission?
Lysander: I was raised in a dwarf mine. I have a lot of experience. Everyone here knows that.
Panel 5
Bradley: And… we’re starting at the bottom? Instead of up top?
Panel 6
Lysander: This isn’t the bottom. It’s probably more towards the top than the bottom. Probably some large intake area, with a lot of administrative offices and that. The foreman never showed up to meet us, so we went looking for him.
Panel 7
This is a gemstone mine, if I have the map right in my head. That means deep shafts, difficult labour, and a lot of money for those in charge, which is a perfect mixture for corruption so their fear of me will hopefully cloud any suspicion.
Panel 8
Lysander: We’ll get ourselves settled and inform someone that two of my slaves will be joining us the next day. You pay attention to the layout of the place, because when the mine is empty between shifts, you’re going to sneak back here and get Sancho and Beatrix and sneak them back to me.
I’ll get them clothes and the appropriate collars and then no one will ask questions. Hopefully.