Best background work ever.

In State College, home Penn State University, ST. Patrick’s Day has always been a big holiday. At least to the students. And like any college town, this holiday is traditionally spent dressing in ridiculously stereotypical slutty-leprechaun costumes and wandering from bar to bar. Many of State College’s more sober and less academic citizens hate the hordes of drunken 20-somethings lumbering around downtown, and petitioned the town to do something about it. The borough, not wanting to piss off either faction of the town’s population, had this great idea that they would make a separate holiday for drinking so that moms and grandmoms could safely take their children to the various St P Day activities and services for kids.

It didn’t work. Now there are TWO days that college students go a-boozin’.

This past weekend was State Patrick’s Day, and since it happened to coincide with an innocent tumblr sketch request, this ridiculous thing was made. I’m not even a little bit sorry.

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